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De-rating factors in regional capacity mechanisms with cross-border participation: the role of asymmetric national non-served energy values

G. Marulanda, A. Bello, P. Rodilla, P. Mastropietro, J. Reneses

45th IAEE International Conference, Estambul (Turquía). 26-28 junio 2024


Capacity mechanisms (CMs) are regulatory frameworks often implemented to address market failures and ensure the long-term reliability of electricity supply. In the context of regional markets, these mechanisms can maximize overall efficiency if they allow for the participation of cross-border generators. When implementing national CMs, it is common to establish a methodology to determine the de-rating factors of the different resources participating in the scheme which represent the effective contribution of generation resources in meeting adequacy requirements. If the objective is to allow the participation of cross-border resources in the national CM, it is also necessary to compute these de-rating factors to the generators located in the neighboring system. The literature on this topic is scarce and this is the gap to which this paper aims to contribute. This paper proposes a methodology to compute de-rating factors to the multi-area case. In addition, we explore how the non-served energy cost established by the countries sharing the common border can influence the results.

Resumen divulgativo:

Este artículo propone una metodología para calcular los factores de de-rating en mercados eléctricos multiárea. En particular, exploramos cómo puede influir en los resultados el coste de la energía no servida establecido por los países que comparten frontera.

Palabras clave: Capacity mechanisms, De-rating factors, Regional electricity markets.

Fecha de publicación: 2024-06-26.

G. Marulanda, A. Bello, P. Rodilla, P. Mastropietro, J. Reneses, De-rating factors in regional capacity mechanisms with cross-border participation: the role of asymmetric national non-served energy values, 45th IAEE International Conference, Estambul (Turquía). 26-28 junio 2024.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • Diseño y regulación de mercados energéticos
  • Modelos de mercados de electricidad, gas natural y gases renovables

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